- A cone beam CT scan is different from a Dental beam because one beam CT gives a more detailed report than the other.
- In a single scan, Cone Beam Dental Scan is able to produce imaging of the teeth, bones and nerves.
- A dental cone beam is also known as computer tomography.
Cone Beam CT Scan Overview
You’re never fully dressed without a smile, and a good set of teeth does the trick. However, not all dental issues can be sorted out with traditional means; hence the evolution of dental care has led to a Cone Beam CT scan.
The cone-shaped beam produces about 150-200 resolution images combined to form a 3D image.
Dental cone beam tests have been introduced and in use in Australia for a while now. Its popularity and results have spread like wildfire thus far.
This system exposes you to a wider range of diagnoses and treatments.
A dental beam cone is not your conventional oral care. It goes way deeper than traditional dental care. A dental cone beam is a type of x-ray machine specifically made for a thorough diagnosis of dental health.
Your teeth may look and feel white and healthy, but underlying conditions have proved to be common lately, which is why a healthy mouth requires an in-depth scan.
A cone beam CT scan Perth works by capturing 3D images that tell your dentist to treat you more precisely.
Before using the Cone Beam scan, patients are asked to get rid of metal accessories to have a smooth session.
After putting all away, you will have to wear a robe and sit for your diagnosis. You will need to stay stable during the procedure. For this scan, you may be alone as the dentist may have to vacate the room.
The irony is that it has been proven that traditional CT scans expose patients to more radiation than Cone beam scans.
Cone Beam CT scan, as the name implies, is cone-shaped and spirals around the patient’s head with high resolution to form a 3D image. The procedure is swift with limited radiation exposure. This image is used to diagnose and treat very specific and, most times, hidden ailments.
A Cone Beam CT scan is not painful and is worth the price.
How Much Does A Cone Beam CT Scan Cost?
The Cone Beam CT scan machine costs between $50,000 to $100,000, but as the eagerness to make use of this procedure grows, the competition has become favourable, giving buyers better prices.
A cone beam CT scan procedure costs about $250 to $350 per scan.
What Factors Affect The Cost Of A Cone Beam CT Scan?
You can choose to get the procedure done in a healthcare facility or own one at your convenience.
However, we do recommend you visit a dental healthcare facility, like My Implant Dentist, to get the scan. The things to check out are the size of the Field of View (FOV), and the lens size. The bigger and wider it goes, the more expensive it is.
Formerly a 2D scan will suffice, but now with 3D imaging comes better results but costs more than the average scan.
Another factor that affects cone beam price is insurance coverage. If your insurance covers your dental healthcare, you will barely break a sweat to have a Cone Beam CT scan.
Some insurance policies strictly cover 2-D or more conventional treatment methods, which is why you need to be sure of the coverage you are entitled to.
Your location is also key, as this procedure is overpriced in places where this method has not been fully established or patronised.
Things To Consider
The top of your consideration should be if you need one. You will need one either for periodontal treatment, oral surgery, dental implants etc. A CBCT scan is the highest validity of your oral well-being right now.
Cone Beams also give detailed results. Checking through vessels, tissues, bones etc. It goes beyond the reach of the traditional CT Scan. Among its highest success cases is implanting success.
The scan will help the implant surgeon determine if you have any possible dental issues or if your jawbone is enough to support the implants.
The Cone beam is fast, highly accurate and painless.
Does Dental Insurance Cover CBCT Scan?
Dental insurance is the best way to cover CBCTs. Cone beam procedure is only covered by medical insurance if the check is carried out as part of a general medical checkup. Dental insurance is a genius if you are an oral health enthusiast.
However, recently, CBCT has been gaining weight as the latest and most accurate way to go about dental care, which is why it is slowly being incorporated into medical insurance coverage. The best way to go about it is to ask your insurance company for clarity on the issue.
What Is The Cost Of A CBCT Scan?
The cost for a CBCT scan is $220. These prices are subject to change based on various factors. One of them being insurance coverage.
Is Cone Beam CT Required For Root Canal?
Root canal treatment or endodontics is the removal of dead pulpy tissues that have multiple roots that can prove to be hard to detect without a CBCT which is why it is a highly recommended treatment method.
How Long Does A Cone Beam Dental Scan Take?
It’s a painless and seamless procedure that will only take approximately 10-30 seconds of your time which is indeed breathtaking and generous.
Is A Cone Beam CT Scan Necessary?
It is highly recommended for oral Care. Most dentists have embraced this method and are stirring their patients to do the same.
What Is The Difference Between A CT Scan And A CBCT Scan?
The traditional CT scan takes more time, is spiral-shaped, and is limited in diagnosing while the CBCT takes a shorter time, and is cone-shaped with a3-D imaging system and broader diagnosing capability. It also has radiation exposure, unlike the traditional CT scan.
How Much Radiation Is In A CBCT Dental?
There is no fixed radiation rate due to differences in patient size, the field of view and imaging. But a typical radiation exposure will be between 18-200 USV.