Making dental work more accessible for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people across Australia
If you are a patient of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, you may be eligible to access much needed dental care through dental grants and other forms of fund assistance available in Australia.
Dental Grants and Further Assistance Available
Gumala Aboriginal Corporation (GAC)
Pilbara region
GAC serves the Banjima, Yinhawangka and Nyiyaparli people of the Pilbara region in Western Australia. Participants of the medial program provided by this corporation could be eligible for much-needed dental treatment.
Serving the Yinhawangka, Banyjima and Nyiyaparli people, IBN Community Programs offers up to $10,000 of benefits per financial year under dental health.
With a history spanning over six generations, Mutual Trust has assisted Australian families in managing intergenerational wealth within an evolving financial environment.
Abbott Native Title Trustees, originally based in different Western Australia regions such as the Kimberley, Pilbara, Goldfields and Murchison regions, has expanded its trustee roles to cover a national service area across Australia.
The Indigenous Advancement Strategy (IAS) is how the Australian Government funds and provides various programs for Indigenous Australians, including dental.